It is the responsibility for all private landlords to register their full personal and property details on The Landlord Registration Scheme (LRS). All landlords who let properties under a private tenancy in Northern Ireland must register.
If you do not register, you could be committing an offence and may be issued with a penalty of up to £2,500.
Before the introduction of landlord registration, each council collected information about landlords in their area. As many private landlords have properties in different council areas, information was not easily accessible.
Allows tenants, neighbours and local councils to identify if landlords are registered
Provides information on the number of landlords in Northern Ireland and allows landlords to receive regular updates on the duties and responsibilities of landlords and tenants
Provides education and support to landlords
It improves tenants' confidence in their landlords and increase landlords' accountability by promoting good practice and ensuring the right advice and help is available
It is our understanding the cost are as follows:
You pay one fee to register regardless of how many properties you own:
Online registration fee is £70.00
Paper registration fee is £80.00
If a property title contains more than one owner both landlords must register their details. You must re-register every three years.
Register Here